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Internet News • Business Insights

PageSpeed = Revenue

Creating a strong mobile web presence is critical for doing business in today’s digital landscape. To attract customers on-the-go your site needs to look great on smaller mobile device screens as well as desktop displays, be simple to use on all media and navigate information quickly, easily and logically.

However, it doesn't stop there! If you want to boost visitor engagement and raise your conversion rates, the best thing you can do is optimize your website for speed. Performance is about improving conversions. Retaining users is crucial to improving conversions. If you run an online business, conversions are the goal and performance is critical. Slow sites have a negative impact on revenue, while those with faster pagespeed gain several benefits.

Page Speed Relevance

  • 52% of all online shoppers say that page speed factors into their loyalty. (ECONSULTANCY.COM)
  • 43% of mobile consumers will move on to a competitor’s site if their experience is negative. (RADWARE.COM) 
  • 7% of conversions are lost for every second that it takes to load content on a small business website. (DOUBLECLICK BY GOOGLE) 

You can test this for yourself using Google's Impact Calculatorhttps://www.thinkwithgoogle.com/feature/mobile/

Higher Google Ranking
Google knows how important page speed is to user experience and factors it into their ranking. The faster your website’s page speed, the higher your Google ranking and the better your SEO.

Impact on the SERPs

A 1-second delay in mobile browser load time can lower conversion rate by 3.50%, reduce pageviews by 9.40% and increase bounce rate by up to 8.30%. Therefore faster pagespeed = better conversions.  

  • 20% increase in sales conversions 
  • 10% increase in website traffic
  • 2x increase in time spent on page

Tools for checking Page Speed


Mobile site speed can affect conversion rates and as a result - revenue.

See Also: Accelerated Mobile Page (AMP)

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